Sunday, March 22, 2009

I lied

Ok, I lied.......but just this once. I decided to post something new today......on Sunday. No, i didn't go to church.....but only because I haven't decided which church I will be going to. It's narrowed down to the two I've always attended since moving here. I will figure it out before next Sunday. Ultimately, the one I choose will be the one that I move my membership to. Make sense? Well, I'm actually somewhat excited. Most of my family and friends now know that I've decided to join Air Force ROTC....yeah, I know...HUGE deal. Well, I don't start working out with the group until March 30th....but I wanted to get a jump start on everything. So, I've been working my little heart out. Mainly, I've been doing strength training in my upper body areas: chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, deltoid, etc...... Even when I was at my fittest, I couldn't do a single push-up. I didn't really need to. Now, as of yesterday, I can do 8 push-ups. I know it sounds corny, but I actually got very excited over that. So, it pushes me to do more. So instead of driving the 0.5 miles to the gym, I just jog there. It's cool too because I pass some stores like Lowe's, Office Max, Joanne's Fabrics, Kohl's, DSW shoes, Old Navy, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, AND Barnes & Nobles. So, of course, I stop at Barnes & Nobles on my way back.......pick up a skinny toffee nut latte from their Starbucks inside. Speaking of bookstores, I've really got to find another good book to read. This is going to sound corny too...but I've already finished Twilight and New Moon. I don't want to start the next until this summer. I guess I could wait to go find something or read it in a week.....because school starts back on the 30th. I have a HUGE course load, and I will be getting plenty of reading in. My classes go all day on Tuesday & Thursdays. On Tuesdays I will be getting out of my last class at 8pm, and on Thursdays it will be around 9:45pm. So, I will have alot going on. Also, Emme's Spring break is coming up. Her dad really wants to get her for Spring she might be going to Alabama. I, on the other hand, am considering taking off school that Thursday and going out of town somewhere....guess I will let you know when I know. ;-)

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