Saturday, March 21, 2009

Introductory Post

It's been a while since I've wrote down my thoughts...I guess I am doing it now because it's suppose to be somewhat therapeutic (we'll see). Actually, I started this blog solely because I hate talking on the phone (sorry!) to ALL my friends and family. Constantly updating everyone on my wonderful life is a bit exhausting. I know it's selfish...and it doesn't compare to hearing my voice, but it will suffice for now. And you never know, maybe it's because I really just don't want to talk to you. ;-) I guess I will update this blog once a week....I can't possibly see how I would have time to post any additional entries....unless, perhaps, something REALLY interesting happened. So maybe every Saturday morning I will get up before Emme and make the best cup of coffee...add some Swiss Miss to it...and post a new entry that will describe what's new in my life. I would do it on a Sunday....but it just makes more sense to do it on the last day of the week. Plus, I will be at church.....:-) Ok, enough rambling for now. I think this will work for an introductory post. 

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